

Pineapple Margaritas

Made with our Calivirgin Hot Virgin Jalapeño Olive Oil

Servings: 4   |   Prep Time: 10 min   |   Total Time: 10 min

  1. Cut off the top and bottom of a pineapple and then cut it into four equal pieces (save one piece for garnish).
  2. Slice off the peel and inner core and chop the pineapple. Blend on high until smooth.
  3. Place sugar in a small dish. Run a cut lime around the rim of each glass then dip the rim into the sugar. Fill the glasses with ice.
  4. Add a handful of ice into a cocktail mixer or glass jar, add 2 cups of pineapple puree, tequila, triple sec, Calivirgin Hot Virgin Jalapeño Olive Oil, and lime juice. Stir until cold.
  5. Strain the pineapple margarita into each glass and garnish with a slice of pineapple and lime!

Jalapeño Olive Oil

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