Already well known for the Calivirgin product line, our family decided to acquire Lodi Olive Oil to showcase our hand-picked varietal olive oils. These extra virgin olive oils offer robust flavor profiles that truly compliment all foods from your simple salad to a complex pasta sauce. We hope you bring home a taste of Lodi!
At Coldani Olive Ranch we are literally a "Family Business". Our immediate family along with our spouses and a few little ones is what encompasses our company; handling every aspect from tree to bottle. Growing the olives, processing them into oil, bottling, packaging design, marketing, sales and shipping are just a few of the tasks we split up as a family. When we say we know each and every bottle inside and out, we mean it, and we feel the passion we have to produce a quality extra virgin olive oil resonates in our finished product. All of our olives for Lodi Olive Oil are locally grown; without any pesticides our product is organically and sustainably produced. Our olive oils have consistently medaled in all of the national competitions making us one of the most awarded companies in the nation.
All of our Extra Virgin Olive Oils have been Seal-Certified by the California Olive Oil Council (COOC). A Seal-Certified olive oil offers the highest standard of quality to American consumers with positive taste elements, no taste defects, and less than .5% free oleic acid, as determined during a blind tasting by a qualified panel of experts. Seal-Certified olive oil also comes from olives that are mechanically extracted without chemicals or excessive heat. As stated by the COOC, “Trust the Seal - Your Extra Virgin Guarantee.” Any oil that does not bear the seal has no guarantee that it has been tested to meet any standards at all as there is currently no mandatory testing for quality of olive oil sold in the United States.
Visit COOC's website at: for more info.